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Jorge Zapata

iOS Developer

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About Me

I am a 15 year old iOS developer, UI/UX student, and software startup enthusiast! I'm skilled in iOS Development (Swift UIKit), Firebase, and intrigued by mobile application design patterns (Figma Design & Adobe XD). I am multicultural and strong in communication. I have Mexican ethnicity, although I was born and raised in Chicago, USA. In July of 2019, I moved to Munich, Germany, and have been here since. I have experience working both collaboratively as well as managing a system on my own.

Latest Projects

project name

LockIt - Secure your digital life

I established a mini startup project in 2018, LockIt. It is a password and data saver. Things were only operated by me for the first year, although in mid 2019, I had started working with other developers. The startup is currently down due to loss of time, but looking into bringing back the startup I first invested time and effort in.

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project name

Hiremile - Earn Money, Select the Best, Creative Feedback!

Hiremile is a two-sided online marketplace that connects ‘seekers’, people looking to hire for handyman / nearby services, with the relevant ‘service providers’, a network of pre-approved and background checked individuals. I completed this entire project induvidually after given designs.

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project name

LinkApp - What're you up to?

I was currently taking a part time job with the LinkApp team. LinkApp is a native iOS Application were you can meet with others in your vicinity. It uses location, networking, and complicated API structuring. I practiced my communication skills and helped around with the Google Places API as well as frontend cleanup. LinkApp shut down in 2020.

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project name

Thermokay - Share your temperature with friends and family

Thermokay was my first freelancing gig. This app is where you can make groups and share temperatures with groups of friends! I implemented machine learning into this application, along with creating functions and algorithms that can scan your temperature from any thermometer, and update your temperature’s status.

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project name

Stepify - Start making health and fitness a competition

Step and fitness app using Firebase, HealthKit, written in Swift 5. This was my first larger style of app, managing data styles, information, and handling user privacy. Learned to unwrap data as well as other features like reacting to friends' step count.

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project name

UpShoe - Need to sell your shoes?

UpShoe is an online marketplace to find buyers and sellers for your shoes, and connect with users. This was my first project with Firebase Realtime Database, and got some traction. Image and caching needs to be updated, though! Learned a ton, designed and developed by me.

See it on the App Store

project name

CheckIt! - Todo list creator

ChekkIt was my very first published iOS app, which is fairly simple. It's a todo list, where information is stored in CoreData. I learned AutoLayout, UserDefaults, and other iOS App instruments. Simple UITableViewController with an add / view task UIViewController.

See it on the App Store

Upcoming Projects

DISH - Digitize Your Business Coming Soon

DISH is a product in which restaurant, bar, and convenience store owners can manage, edit, & publish their own apps. I am currently managing this mini startup, and trying to make it happen and go live. We have clients waiting for release, so updates in Summer of 2021 are coming through!

Arrimo Digital Coming Soon

I am currently working with a team of 6on creating a mobile app / patient logging system for Arrimo Digital, a German based software company, which many caretaking facilities use. The app is to log the nurse's data and calculate their hours worked / traveled, and the web is to back office to manage and monitor realtime. I am serving as the iOS Developer, and soon taking over as the Product Manager later on this year.

Work Experience

Founder & Lead Developer - DISH (Dec. 2020 - Present)

I had the idea of DISH, and been making the efforts to effectively plan and organize this scalable restaurant digitalization platform. I started thinking about it in November, and currently designing mobile interfaces as of mid February, as most of the project is arranged. This is a new phase, and not out yet, although you can expect news in Summer of 2021.

Full Stack iOS Developer - Hiremile (Dec. 2020 - Present)

I have been working on Hiremile since the beginning of December 2020. I fully manage this software, as I have converted given design to frontend code, as well as connecting and framing the backend using Firebase. Hiremile is a two-sided online marketplace that connects ‘seekers’, with the relevant ‘service providers’, a network of individuals, who have the time and skills needed to complete the listed job.

Full Stack iOS Developer - Thermokay (Apr. 2020 - Jul. 2020)

Thermokay was a past freelancing project of mine. It is an iOS app for sharing family temperatures and checking on other health statuses. I learned to precisely convert design to code, as well as learning to independently support a Firebase Database and understand thereto of backend architecture within a non relational database.

Lead iOS Developer - LinkApp (Oct. 2019 - Apr. 2020)

First part time job of mine, which was working at LinkApp. Learned Git, API, networking, delegation, and series of important iOS Developer skills that I now have. I helped cleanup the frontend, as well as work on the Google Places API. This was used to pull places to connect with your friends, and was important.